
Makes Me Happy: cold showers, coffee, beaches, parties, perfectly fitting jeans, hugs, kisses, compliments, long drives, going to the movies, my fav song on the radio, perfumes, lip gloss, hearin from old friends, being in love, travelling, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate cake, a cigrette now and then, hiking, waking up late, gifts,kids, surprises, n the one person tht makes me happiest even if the things earlier mentioned are not there is my man AARON....i love u baby, to bits and pieces :)

Makes Me Sad: erm...wakin up on the wrong side of bed?

Interests: get rich or die trying....pmsl :D

Profession: undercover agent :p

Bad Habits: too disgusting to put down here :p :p :p

Good Habits: cant think of any at the moment.....

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